Lab Team

Primary Investigator

Headshot of Niroshana  Anandasabapathy
Niroshana Anandasabapathy , PhD. M.D.
  • Associate Professor of Dermatology
  • Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Lab Members

place holder photo
Sophia Adeghe
Research Focus:

Tumor immunology and dendritic cell biology

  • B.A. in Biology and Economics, Columbia University ‘23
Carolina Cabalín, Ph.D
Carolina Cabalín , Ph.D
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • PEW Latin American Fellow
Research Focus:

Tissue immunology, T cells, and the toxicities of immune checkpoint inhibitors

Headshot of Pan Ge
Pan Ge
Research Focus:
Vaccine immunology and T cell responses
Headshot of Joy Hsu
Joy Hsu , Ph.D
Research Focus:

Examining DC cooperativity in intradermal infection.

  • UC Berkeley, 2016 B.A. Molecular Cell Biology
Stephanie Li
Research Focus:
Understanding myeloid development and the impact on tumor and tissue surveillance
  • B.A. in Biology, New York University 2024
Headshot of Julia  Milczanowski
Julia Milczanowski
Research Focus:
Skin toxicities in the context of cancer immunotherapies 
  • B.S. in Natural Science from Fordham University
Keunyoung Min Ph.D
  • Postdoctoral associate
Research Focus:
Organismal immune maturation and consequences for tolerance and immunity; DC biology 

Former Lab Members

Joe Dobrin, MD, PhD
University of Minnesota, Steinman lab, Resident
Co-first authorship, abstracts
Research supervision

Shamim Mollah
Rockefeller CTSA, Bioinformatician and PhD student
Co-first authorship JID, abstract
Research supervision
Now Faculty at Wash. U. Medical Center, St Louis.

Eva (Sze-wah) Tse, PhD
Harvard Medical School, Post-Doctoral Fellow,
Anandasabapathy Lab
Authorships, abstracts
Research supervision
Now Industry

Jennifer Oghene
Anandasabapathy Lab, Research Assistant
Authorships, abstracts
Research supervision

Pinru Wu, MD, PhD
Shanghai University, China, Faculty, Anandasabapathy Lab
future authorship anticipated
Research supervision
Faculty in Dermatology now, Shanghai China

Karyn Haitz
Harvard Medical Student, Anandasabapathy Lab
Co-authorship commentary, abstracts, American Skin
Association Medical Student Award, future authorship
anticipated, JID authorship
Research supervision
Now a resident in Dermatology, U of Miami

Chris Nirschl, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Post-Doctoral Fellow T32,
Anandasabapathy Lab, Now at Potenza Therapeutics
Review article, first authorship (Cell)
Research supervision
Industry, Potenza Therapeutics, now at Wolfgang

Tae-gyun Kim MD PhD
Yongsei University, Student, Anandasabapathy Lab
Research supervision Now Associate Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul Korea

Yong Liu, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Research Specialist,
Current lab manager Anandasabapathy Lab
Abstracts, Cell co-author, other manuscripts submitted
Research supervision

David Chau
University of Waterloo, Canada, Anandasabapathy Lab,
Undergraduate student
2015 summer
co-author Cell
Research supervision
Medical Student

Radha Sathanayagam
Vanderbilt, Undergraduate Student, Anandasabapathy Lab,
2015 summer
Authorships, abstracts
Research supervision

Barker Colbert-Regan
McGill University Undergrad, Anandasabapathy Lab
2016 summer
Authorships, abstracts
Research supervision

Aditya Kaushik
High School student, summer student, Anandasabapathy
2016 summer, continued lab work and undergraduate
Research supervision
Now Johns Hopkins Undergrad working in genomics

George Song-Zhao, PhD
Queen’s University, Kingston Canada, Post-Doctoral Fellow
and Medical Student, Anandasabapathy Lab
Co-author Cell
Research supervision
Now Resident Dermatology

William M Doyle, MD
Anandasabapathy Lab, Resident, Lab Rotation
Research supervision

Cara Boothroyd
SUNY, Medical Student, Anandasabapathy Lab
2016 summer
Research supervision

Juan Jose Bellasi
Brown University, undergraduate student summer student Anandasabapathy Lab
2016 summer
Research supervision

Maria Kareva
Harvard, Master’s Student, Anandasabapathy Lab
Research supervision

Lauren Fabiszewski
Northeastern University, Masters Student Bioinformatics,
Anandasabapathy Lab
Research supervision

Komal Prakadhan MS
Research Associate Anandasabapathy Lab
Research supervision
Pandion pharmaceuticals

Trupti Vardam PhD
Anandasabapathy Lab, post-doctoral fellow
Research supervision

Stephanie Skouras
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences,
Undergraduate student. Research trainee Anandasabapathy
Research supervision

Marisol Aquino B.A.
Anandasabapathy Lab, Undergraduate Summer Student
Served as faculty and research mentor for the Tri-Institutional
Minority Society Summer Scholar's Research Program
Research supervision

Barbara Ma MD
Weill Cornell Medicine, Hematology-Oncology Research Fellow
Research supervision Anandasabapathy Lab
Now faculty at Weill Cornell Medicine, Dept of Oncology in

Rachel Gropper
Medical Student WCMC 2023

Qingrong Huang , Ph.D.
Research Focus: Investigating IFN-gamma/ IFNGR1 signaling on migDC function and behavior in tumor and vaccine immunology
Ph.D. Univeristy of Chinese Academy of Sciences, (Shanghai, China)

Abhi Jaiswal
Research Focus: Redefining successful anti-tumoral immunity by using human genomics along with in vivo cellular immunology, with the goal of identifying therapeutic interventions that will enhance patient responses to immune checkpoint blockade.

Sanjana Kangabam , Ph.D.
Research Focus: Studying the role of PD-1: PDL1/2 signaling in the regulation of skin specific immunity
Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur, India)
Sanjay Kaushik
High school trainee 2022, 2023

Ariella Savitz
Research Focus: As a member of the Anandasabapathy Lab, Ariella is pursuing her interest in generating new cancer immunotherapy strategies and gaining a more foundational understanding of tumor immunology and dendritic cell biology.
B.S. in biomedical engineering, Rutgers University

Eric Wang , B.S.
Research Focus: Cancer immunotherapies & Role of resident memory T cells in skin-specific immunity
B.S. in Human Biology from the University of Southern California

Weill Cornell Medicine Anandasabapathy Lab 413 E 69th St., Rm 920 New York, NY 10021 Phone: 646-962-9970